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  • Writer's pictureSam

Week 10.2: Finished Storyboards

These are the finished final storyboards for my animated film. The plot and storyboards have been an area of my pre-production where I have felt stuck because my ideas continue to change and adapt. However, elements from earlier storyboards have helped inspire my story's development to a point that I am happy with.

I am pleased with the final outcome of the plot, since receiving helpful guidance, and I feel these final storyboards express the narrative well. Some feedback I received suggested that I could bring certain camera shots in tighter to the characters and this will be something I will experiment with in my animatic.

Finally, although I feel these storyboards set a good base for my film, I do anticipate that during production some camera perspectives may change, especially in shots where I am using Maya, since I can set up multiple cameras and determine which perspectives I prefer.

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